Parasite Cleanse

Most of us consider parasites like round worm, tape worm and seat worm to be problems in the Third World. Many people are shocked to hear that not only are they prevalent in developed countries too, but they may be one of the primary causes of diseases ranging from the common cold to even cancer!
Somewhere between 80% and 90% of people have parasites in their system. Dr Hulda Clark suggests that a parasite cleanse will rid your body of these nasty little organisms and leave your immune system free to combat other diseases. The irony is that we regularly deworm our pets, yet we rarely consider that we might have worms ourselves.
Sources of Worms and Parasites
Parasites can often be found in contaminated water supplies, particularly in less developed parts of the world. Don’t drink tap water or water from streams, rivers or lakes.
Unfortunately the popularity of sushi, ceviche, steak tartar and medium rare burgers have sent the rate of worm infestation shooting up. Always make sure your meat and fish are well cooked.
Pets can also give you worms, so be sure to regularly deworm them and don’t share dishes with them! Try to always wash your hands after handling them.
What are the symptoms of Parasite infection?
Many sufferers of parasites do not have any obvious symptoms, but if you tend to have diarrhea or other abdominal issues, burning or itching of the skin, it is possible that you have parasites. Other symptoms include:
IBS, Blood Sugar Fluctuations, Fatigue, Food Cravings, Rectal Itching, Bloating, Diarrhea, Foul breath, Restlessness at night
So where do these parasites comes from? They can be found in the water you drink, the food you eat (if you don't wash it properly) and you can contract them from your pets or even your spouse! That's why there is such a large incidence of parasites in our population.
Parasite Cleansing Techniques
Parasites can lay thousands of eggs a day, most of which are killed by your immune system. But to kill the ones that are left you need some specific substances and compounds. We list here the major substances that have been found to kill parasites. It is possible to make your own de-worming solution, but they are also available online or from your local health shop.
Regular consumption of anti-parasitic foods can also help - try adding raw garlic and onions, pumpkin seeds, apple cider vinegar, kelp and yogurt to your diet.
Black Walnut
Originally a folk herbal remedy, Black Walnut is now commonly used to kill the adults of around 100 different parasites.
Like black walnut, this kills the adult parasites. It can be found in tea, liquid or capsule form.
Cloves actually kill the eggs of the parasite. Its important to use these first three remedies together, to kill both the adult parasites and the eggs at the same time so the colony cannot re-grow.
Pumpkin Seeds
Mashed up and mixed with juice, pumpkin seeds have been found to be effective against parasites.
Whether mashed up, whole or in tablet form, Garlic is a great tool to combat parasite infection.
Once you have eliminated the parasites, its time to remove them from your system with a good colon cleanse. Mix Psyllium husks and Bentonite clay into your cleanse to fully clean out your colon and flush out any remaining organisms.
The last step is to change your diet so that the parasites do not come back. Add more garlic to your diet and reduce your intake of stimulants like coffee and sugar.
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