7 day Liver Detox

A full liver cleanse can be hard to stomach, so why not try a slower, but just as effective method? You can still get the benefits of weight loss, a healthier complexion and higher energy levels.
Everything you eat and drink affects the liver - its job is to keep us clean inside. Simply knowing what foods are good and what food are toxic can significantly improve your health and well being.
By making a few changes to your diet over a 7 day period, you can help your liver cleanse itself. See below for the lists of food to eat and to avoid.
Benefits of a Liver Detox
- Weight Loss
A properly functioning liver is important to maintain a lean physique. If you are having trouble losing weight, you may want to take a look at what you are eating and make some changes. When your liver becomes too overloaded with toxins, some of these are stored in your fat tissues. Even if you are eating within your calorie limits, a mixture of toxic food and an unhealthy lifestyle could still mean you have trouble staying slim. - Healthy Complexion
A clean liver will also reward you with beautiful, clear skin. If the liver can't clear the toxins out of your system, they will find another way to escape - possibly through your skin in the form of acne and rashes. Age spots, puffy eyes, wrinkled and sallow skin are also signs of an overburdened liver. - Energy and Optimal Heath
It is essential to keep your liver clean to stay energetic and free from illness. A malfunctioning liver allows toxins into the bloodstream, placing your immune system under stress and causing infections, allergies and fatigue.
Foods to Eat
- Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates
Important as they provide vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and protein. These include brown rice, oatmeal, and wholemeal, barley, and rye products. - Fruits
Fruits contain important antioxidants and necessary dietary fiber. Apples, pears and oranges are particularly high in pectin which is a great intestinal tract cleanser. Watermelon is also great - it contains important vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium. - Vegetables
All veggies contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body and liver. Legumes, cabbage, garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur - this is great for the liver by locking on to metallic toxins and excretes them. - Nuts and Seeds
Raw organic nuts provide good fats to the body as well as vitamin E, potassium, and folic acid. Flaxseed oil is extremely high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Foods to avoid
All meat, fish, and dairy products
Fried foods
Soft drinks
Coffee and tea
Sugar or sugar substitutes
White flour products
White rice.
Drinks to help your liver
Fresh veggie and fruit juice, lemon water, dandelion tea, rice and almond milk.
Liver Supplements
Milk Thistle
This herb cleanses and protects the liver from toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, pollution and pesticides.
Dandelion Root
This herb increases bile production in the liver, helping digestion.
Liver Detox Drink Recipe

This a delicious, easy drink to make. Add all ingredients into the blender and voila!
A handful of spinach
1 apple
1 banana
1 lemon (squeezed)
Half a chili pepper (optional)
1 garlic clove or as much as desired (optional)
1 glass of water
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