Heavy Metal Cleanse

We live in an increasingly toxic and polluted world. Everyday we are exposed to harmful heavy metals which we breath in, ingest and absorb through our skin. These gradually accumulate over time in our tissues, to toxic levels of concentration which begin to compromise our health. This is leading to an epidemic of chronic disease, but that's only half the story. Heavy metals also produce free radicals in the body, contributing to aging and disease too.
It's virtually impossible to prevent toxic heavy metals being absorbed into our body. However, by making a few changes to your diet and lifestyle, and doing a cleanse to remove some of these metals, you can really improve your health. Lots of health problems and symptoms could be related to the accumulation of these toxic metals. Check out some of our delicious cilantro recipes for some ideas.
Where are Heavy Metals found?
There is no safe level for mercury in the body. It can be found in some places that might surprise you - air conditioning filters, adhesives, cosmetics, fabric softener, laxatives, tattoos, seafood, vaccinations, even in the air we breath. There is no way to avoid exposure completely, because Mercury from coal-fired power plants is floating around in our atmosphere. It is especially important that pregnant women and infants limit their exposure to mercury as much as possible, as it can cause neurological problems.
Silver dental amalgam fillings are a major source of contamination. They contain at least 50% mercury, and can be very poisonous to the body. Mercury particles and vapor are continuously released in the body as you chew, grind and brush your teeth. There is no safe level of mercury to have in your system, so keeping it in your mouth is definitely a bad idea! Many people with unresolved health problems notice a major difference after getting them removed. It might be a bit expensive but there is no price that you can put on your health.
Another major source of mercury poisoning is in the fish we eat. Unfortunately, mercury pollution has made it into our oceans and is dramatically affecting our fish supply. This is particularly true for the fish at the top of the food chain - shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel contain high levels of mercury and should be consumed only rarely. Many people are surprised to discover that the mercury concentration in tuna steaks is also quite alarming. It is even higher in canned tuna, although tuna packed in water tends to contain less mercury than tuna packed in oil. Pregnant women and children should avoid seafood with high mercury levels altogether, and limit other fish. Since it is important to get enough Omega-3's, a fish oil supplement without mercury, dioxins and PCBs is recommended.
Lead is poisonous even in tiny amounts. This toxic heavy metal is stored in your liver, kidneys, brain, teeth and bones. Again, it is completely unavoidable because it is found in our soil and water. Children tend absorb more lead than adults, which can lead to behavioral problems and reduction of IQ.
There are simple ways to limit your lead exposure. For starters, don't use lead based paint. Always take your shoes off when you come in the house - lead is found in the soil and can be brought in on dirty boots. Lead can also be in our tap water, from old pipes with lead linings, so run your water for a few minutes if it hasn't been used in hours. Hot water leaches more lead from the pipes, so always use cold water for drinking and cooking.
Aluminum is thought to be linked to Alzheimer's disease, memory problems, strokes and heart attacks. Antiperspirants use Aluminum Zirconium to glue your sweats glands closed. This prevents toxins from being removed, and has been linked to a higher incidence of breast cancer.
Other things to avoid are baking powder, aluminum foil, aluminum cookware and aluminum food cans. Switch to a natural antiperspirants that is aluminum-free, and make sure you don't use any antacids that contain aluminum.
How can you get Heavy Metals out of your system?
Chelation therapy is the introduction of chelating agents that bind and remove heavy metals from the body. Your body does naturally chelate these heavy metals itself. However, with increasing pollution and toxicity levels, your body can't eliminate it all and it begins to accumulate. Fortunately, there are a few economical supplements that can help your body expel these unwanted toxins.
Also referred to as Chinese parsley or coriander. Cilantro is a natural herb and an effective natural chelator of toxic metal accumulated in the nervous system, bones and body tissues. Research has shown that Cilantro can bind to heavy metals and flush them from the body. It has a wonderful taste and can be used fresh in many recipes such as soups and salads.
Check out some of our delicious cilantro recipes. It makes a great pesto too, which is wonderful to smear on everything!
You can take fresh Cilantro, Cilantro tincture or Cilantro tea. The most economical and enjoyable way is to make a batch of fresh cilantro pesto and take 2 teaspoons a day for 3 weeks to flavor your food. You can add it to pasta, vegetables, chicken, fish, beef dishes and even just bread - it's so versatile.
Here is simple recipe for Cilantro pesto.
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup almonds, walnuts, pin nuts or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons olive oil
Add everything to a food processor and just blend it. This recipe can be doubled and tripled and then refrigerated for a few days. You can even put it the freezer in ice cube trays.
Chlorella is a type of algae that has numerous health benefits, including boosting the immune system and protecting the body from bacteria and viruses. It contains protein and antioxidants, and boosts energy levels by increasing the oxygen level in your blood. It is also very effective in cleansing the body of these burdensome heavy metals.
Chlorella works by binding to the heavy metals and other environmental toxins, acting as a sponge to remove them from your body. When taken in conjunction with Cilantro, it works even better than when taken alone. You can find it in powder and tablet form. Generally its best to take Chlorella 30 minutes after Cilantro. This is because Cilantro mobilizes the heavy metals, then Chlorella absorbs and eliminates them.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C supports the body's detoxification process. It helps protect your immune system from the mobilized toxins as they leave your body. Take 1000mg of Vitamin C daily, after meals and separately from Chlorella.
Garlic contains sulfur which is an excellent chelator of toxic metals such as mercury and lead. It oxidizes the heavy metals, making them water soluble and easy to excrete. You can add 2-3 fresh cloves a day to your food if you like garlic, otherwise get some reduced odor garlic tablets.
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