How Does Colon Cleansing Work?

Colon Cleansing uses a combination of herbs natural supplements and lots of liquids, and perhaps some colonic irrigation, to help your body mend its internal organs and restore you to health.
Colonic irrigation (otherwise known as colonics) is an optional part of a colon cleanse, but any serious cleanser will tell you that it greatly increases the effectiveness of the cleanse.
The most important dietary part of a colon cleanse is the Psyllium. When taken with water, Psyllium expands in the bowels, forming a bulky, jelly-like substance. Its rough texture helps it to scrape along the sides of the colon, completely painlessly, and remove the excess waste matter and toxins from your digestive system.
A laxative is often used with Psyllium to aid in the movement of fecal matter from the bowel. However, when Psyllium is in its liquid form many people find it sufficient.
Colon Cleansing Techniques
The first stage in a colon cleanse, and before you even think about Psyllium or Bentonite, is to change your diet - eating fresh organically grown vegetables is a great start and will stop any more toxins from entering your system.
Think about what you eat - fast food is overloaded with additives, beef has added growth hormone, even fish are full of the various chemicals that are pumped into the oceans. So the first stage in your cleanse is to cut out these unnecessary toxins. Don't drink any coffee, alcohol or sodas. As for food, eat small amounts of vegetables and fruit, preferably with high water content.
The second stage involves adding a cleansing supplement to your diet. The two most common are Bentonite and Psyllium, which work best in combination. The Bentonite absorbs the toxins, while the Psyllium pushes them through and out of your system.
Add one or two tablespoons to a glass of water and take with your meal, once or twice daily. Psyllium is a natural fiber that helps the digestive system to work more quickly and effectively. All that old waste matter that is clogging your colon will be pushed right through.
The indigenous cultures have been using Bentonite clay's healing and detox properties since before recorded history. It has been scientifically proven to absorb toxic substances inside the intestine. The recommended dosage is to mix one teaspoon with eight ounces of water. You can also pour 2-3 ounces into your bath water to absorb toxins from the outside.
To get the most from your colon cleanse, combine it with a course of colonic irrigation. This will get you the best results - those who have been doing colonics for years swear by its effect on your complexion, vitality and overall wellbeing.
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