Why do a Colon Cleanse?

The body has it's own natural ways of detoxing itself - however in this day and age, no matter how careful we are, accumulating harmful substances is unavoidable. Research suggests a detox diet can accelerate the rate of removal of these toxins.
These include chemicals which can be unknowingly inhaled from cigarette smoke, pollution, paints, hairsprays and household cleaners. Even more worryingly, by the time it reaches our plate almost every type of food we eat contains pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides, food addictives, preservatives, hormones and antibiotics.
This toxic load could possibly be leading to illness, hormonal dysfunction, and contributing to a low metabolism.
An unhealthy colon is a notoriously difficult problem to diagnose, but the following symptoms have all been associated with toxic build-up and constipation:
Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Gas, Acne, Poor Circulation, Back Pain, High Blood Pressure, Low Libido, Obesity, Poor Concentration, Swollen Legs
Other problems such as kidney stones and gallstones can also be helped by cleanses.
Cleansing is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Regular cleansers report any or all of the following benefits:
More Energy, Improved Mood, Better Digestive System, Clearer Complexion, Better Circulation, Higher Libido, Weight Loss, Improved Concentration, Eliminate Dark Circles under Eyes
What Causes the Toxic Build-up?
We put our colons under a great deal of stress with our modern lifestyle. Years of fast food, cigarettes, prescription drugs and alcohol keep the colon busy. Add to that indigestion, constipation, work-related stress, illnesses and sedentary lifestyles, and you have a recipe for an unhealthy colon.
The colon is the waste pipe of the body. Once the nutrients are taken out and processed, the waste from your food intake is passed through the colon and expelled from your body. What many people don't realize is that this fecal matter can get backed up and solidified in your colon, and without a regular cleansing program can get trapped there for years or decades, slowly releasing toxins into your system.
The waste matter hardens, fixing itself to the wall of the colon. Sometimes an unhealthy colon will have attached to it up to 20 pounds of this matter that just won't go away! Ever wondered why you sometimes feel heavy and bloated?
This waste material can seep through the walls of the colon, releasing toxins into your bloodstream. They can spread through your body, affecting every part of it. Hence the long and varied list of symptoms above.
Cleansing and Weight Loss
One of the most popular reasons for doing a cleanse is weight loss. Its true that some colons contain up to 20 pounds of compacted fecal matter. After a cleanse you will feel lighter, fitter and skinnier, even if your body's total fat does not immediately drop.
However, if you combine a Colonic Irrigation with a change in your diet, introducing some freshly squeezed juices and Psyllium husks to aid the cleanse, then you will see sustained weight loss. Your newly invigorated body will be more able to metabolize food, and you will also find you have more energy to work that excess weight off!
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