Beauty and Cleansing

There are many surprising ways in which cleansing can make you more beautiful. Some you may have heard of, for example weight loss and improved complexion. But there are several other benefits that you may not have heard of.
Stronger Nails & Shinier Hair
Your hair and nails need a steady supply of nutrients to grow and remain strong. But if your bloodstream contains toxins, they can make your hair dull and nails soft. Doing a cleanse makes sure that they get only the right nutrients, and will do them far more good than a host of expensive cosmetic products!
Reduced Body Odor
If you suffer from body odor, it is actually possible to tell which cleanse you need, just by the particular smell of that odor. For example, an oily smell means liver problems, while a rotten odor suggests issues with your kidney. Doing the right cleanse will restore the organ to health and get rid of that odor!
Cured Halitosis & Bad Breath
If you have bad breath, the first thing to check is your oral hygiene. However, some people also suffer from bad breath related to a toxic colon.
Reduced Cellulite
Cellulite affects more than 90% of adult women. There are several causes, but one of the most important is the level of toxins in your system.
The first place that your body stores dietary toxins is in the cells just under your skin. Poisoning these cells with junk food and soda can disrupt this layer of cells, causing the cellulite. Cleansing can reverse this process.
Weight Loss
A happy side effect of cleansing, and the healthy low fat diet that precedes and follows a cleanse, is usually weight loss. Juices and raw vegetables are healthy foods and great for your diet, so remember when your cleansing that a healthy system is only one of the great results that you can expect!
Flat Stomach
Have you ever had to put your skinny jeans back in the closet because you feel bloated? Cleansing can help! A healthy, functioning gastro-intestinal system reduces bloating and flattens your stomach, before you even start losing weight.
Glowing Complexion
Princess Diana was one of the first public advocates of Colonics - she used them three times a week to get her glowing complexion. If you're feeling washed out, tired and looking haggard, chances are that a revitalizing cleanse will restore your skin to health.
More Beautiful Eyes
Your eyes are a map of your body - problems elsewhere are reflected by redness and dark rings around the pupil. A good cleanse will restore your internal systems to health, replace any grayness or redness in your eyes with a sparkling white, and perhaps even lighten up the color of your iris!
hope this helps you. I had awful bad breath and tonsil stones. thank god my only friend told me to check Oraltech Labs advice as it got rid of her bad breath and her post nasal drip. I've been following Oraltech Labs advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well, so good luck. Jenny NY