A juice fast is great way to nurture your body, rebuild your immune system and restore yourself to a healthy way of living.
Raw fruit and vegetable juice contains many cleansing elements such as minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants to heal and detoxify the body safely.
Little energy is used by your digestive system during the cleanse, allowing the body to focus on rebuilding, renewing and healing. You might be surprised by how much energy you have after the first few days!
Is Juice Cleansing for Everyone?
Since juicing fulfills most of the body's nutrient requirements, your energy levels should remain high enough on this cleanse to continue working.
Ideally a juice fast should be done on a break in countryside or at the beach Getting in touch with nature while cleansing is the ultimate purifying and revitalizing experience. Its certainly possible to fit a juice cleanse around your everyday life too though.
If you can manage it, 3-10 days on this cleanse is enough to detox and heal the body. If you to plan to do longer, it is advisable to get professional supervision.
Juice Cleansing Instructions
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You must only use freshly squeezed fruit, veggies and herbs. Try experimenting with combinations of beets, celery, carrots, apples, cucumber, garlic, ginger, cilantro, wheatgrass and cayenne pepper. All are excellent for cleansing. See our recipes page for some ideas.
It’s actually best to use a variety of different ingredients and vary your juices as much as possible - they all contain different important cleansing properties.
If you are juicing at home, you can add the also pulp from the juiced vegetable to make a broth. Just add water to a pot with the pulp and simmer for 15-20 minutes, then season the broth with cayenne pepper.
If you don’t have a juicer, you can buy the juice in your local health supermarket or juice bar.
Stages in a Juice Cleanse
- A few days before the cleanse, try to change your diet to as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible. When you restrict your diet to juice only, it will be less of an adjustment.
- When you are on the cleanse, drink 32-64 ounces of fresh squeezed juice per day plus 8 glasses of water to flush out toxins from your body. If you feel you need more juice that is ok. If you would like less, you can dilute the juice with water. A few things you must avoid - all other beverages (e.g. sodas, coffee or tea) and obviously no solid foods whatsoever!
- Since you won't be consuming any fiber during your juice cleanse, it is important to take something that will stimulate your colon and prevent the toxins from being reabsorbed back into the body. A night time laxative tea is effective to get things moving. Psyllium husk and Bentonite clay are also excellent for drawing out toxins from the body.
- Easing off a juice flush is important. It is best to start with raw salads and fruit for a few days, plus maybe some lightly steamed vegetables with brown rice. Don't go straight back on to the junk food!
Here are a couple of ideas to get you started. See more on our juice recipe ideas page.
Kidney cleanser

3 celery stalks
2 tomatoes
1 lemon, peeled
2 carrots
Skin Cleanse
1 Cucumber with skin
1/2 bunch Fresh Parsley
1 4-oz. tub Alfalfa Sprouts
4 Sprigs Fresh Mint
Blood Builder (Iron-enriched)
2 bunches Grapes
6 Oranges
8 Lemons peeled
1/4 cup Honey
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