Wednesday, December 1, 2010




The Colonix Advanced Internal Cleansing System is a suite of colon cleansing products made by Dr Natura. It is based around Psyllium but contains a number of different ingredients that aim to cleanse your colon of toxic waste matter.

The Colonix system is not cheap but it is perhaps the most reputable cleansing system on the market. Those with more experience cleansing might choose to create their own cleanse with Psyllium and Bentonite, but if you don't mind the cost this is an excellent all-in-one alternative.

How does Colonix work?

The Colonix program actually has three different elements - the fiber-based intestinal cleanser, the parasite cleanser (Paranil) and the herbal tea (KleriTea). All three are used together to complete your cleanse.

It is recommended that you should stick to the program for 3 months. After the first week you will probably find that you are passing some pretty strange-looking stuff when you have a bowel movement - this is perfectly normal and an important part of the cleanse.

Mucoid plaque is one of the first things that you might pass. This plaque has been coating your colon and become a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria right there inside your body! They create toxins that can be absorbed by blood vessels near to your colon, so eliminating them should improve your complexion and give you more energy.

You may also see small white specks in your bowel movements after a couple of weeks. These are probably parasites, small organisms that have been living in your colon and creating toxins that have fed into your blood stream. Again, with these gone from your system you should find that your skin and energy improve rapidly.

The makers of Colonix claim that using this program will give the following benefits:

  • Lose Weight
  • Cure Acne and Improve your Complexion
  • Remove Toxins from the Colon
  • Eliminate Parasites

Elements in Colonix

Intestinal Cleanser
The primary ingredient in the Colonix Intestinal Cleanser is Psyllium Husk. This is a bulking agent that absorbs water and expands in your stomach and colon. Don't worry, its perfectly safe! When the Psyllium passes through your colon it 'scrapes' the impacted fecal matter that is stuck to the intestinal walls, removing it in your next bowel movement.

The other ingredients in the Intestinal Cleanser are very good for your body and digestive system, but not necessary for the colon cleanse. If you feel like saving a bit of money, buy the Psyllium from your local pharmacy and do it yourself!

Parasite Cleanser (Paranil)
Paranil is a collection of 18 herbs that aid digestion and have antiparasitic properties. It is difficult to judge the effectiveness of this cleanser, but the Colonix program as a whole has certainly been found to be effective against parasites.

Kleritea is an herbal tea made from a selection of 12 herbs that aim to help your regularity and digestive processes. This is an effective tea and works well together with the other elements of the Cleanse.

It is important to note that the primary ingredient is Senna Leaf, an herb that can cause problems for people with heart problems, hemorrhoid, liver or kidney disease. Users should also avoid taking the tea for more than 7 consecutive days.

Who Makes Colonix?

Colonix is made by Dr Natura, a reputable company that has been selling health products for more than ten years. The Colonix system comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. We are not aware of any issues that consumers have had with the company's shipping or guarantee policies.

Colonix Ingredients

See below the ingredients of the Colonix Intestinal Cleanser.

Colonix ingredients

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Detox

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cleansing

Apple Cider Vinegar is a naturally detoxifying product that gently removes toxins from the body, purifies your blood and builds your immune system. From being almost unknown a few years ago, it has gained in popularity to the point that it now forms the basis of many diets and detox plans.

ACV is great for your health - it has antibacterial properties to fight germs, and also balances vitamin deficiencies caused by poor nutrition - but it has wonderful cleansing properties too.

Apple Cider Vinegar is full of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and help slow down the aging process. It is also great for breaking down mucus in the body and encouraging the lymphatic system to eliminate wastes.

Other Benefits

Here are a few of the other benefits you can expect from Apple Cider Vinegar. Scroll down the page for more details on how to take it.

  • Increase your energy levels
    Apple Cider Vinegar is also excellent to give you a little pep for your exercise regime. Many find increased energy levels and better stamina in the gym.. which means burning more calories of course.
  • Increase your metabolism
    Apple Cider Vinegar also has been shown to increase your metabolism. It is thought that this is something to do with its potent combination of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals. Apple Cider Vinegar is especially high in potassium.
  • Suppress your appetite
    Apple Cider Vinegar is a great fat reducing tool. It can be helpful in getting rid of those last few stubborn pounds that a healthy diet and adequate exercise program can’t seem to shift. It suppresses your appetite if you get hungry between meals, and discourages you from attacking that second helping.
  • Reduce bloating
    ACV is a powerful diuretic, so it will also ensure you aren’t carrying around any unnecessary water weight. Megan Fox spoke recently about her ACV cleanse, "It's just water and raw apple cider vinegar, and it just cleans out your system entirely. It will get rid of, for women who retain water weight, from your menstrual cycle and all that, it gets rid of it really fast."
  • Stabilize your sugar levels
    Apple Cider Vinegar has been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin spikes after eating. These insulin spikes signal the body to store fat, so you're much better off without them! This is one reason why Apple Cider Vinegar has been touted as a natural supplement for Diabetes sufferers.

How do you take Apple Cider Vinegar?

You have three options for taking ACV as part of your detox. Take it before you eat in water or a fruit juice, add it to your meal as a dressing, or take a bath in it!

Before your meal

Try adding 2-3 teaspoons of ACV in a large glass of water or your favorite juice. It works well with tomato juice.

Be sure to dilute Apple Cider Vinegar as it is highly acidic. Don’t drink it straight or you could damage your tooth enamel. Ideally, drink the diluted ACV with a straw to protect your teeth.

If you can’t bear the taste or if it feels uncomfortable to drink alternately you can buy capsules from your local health food store.

During your meal

Apple Cider Vinegar can also be used to dress a whole array of foods. Here are a couple of really easy recipes for dressings.

ACV & Olive Oil Dressing
3 Tbsp ACV
3 Tbsp olive oil
salt, pepper to taste

ACV, Garlic & Canola Oil Dressing
3 Tbsp ACV
3 Tbsp canola oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
Salt, pepper to taste

ACV, Honey & Yogurt Dressing
3 Tbsp. ACV
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
3 Tbsp. organic yogurt
1/4 Tsp. honey
Salt, pepper to taste

Mix ingredients well, ideally in something you can really shake up. Add to salads, grilled veggies, fish and chicken, then enjoy!

In your bath

A hot baths with ACV is also a great detoxification method. It is great for flushing out toxins through your skin, and any excess uric acid from the body. Just add 2-4 cups of ACV to a hot bath, lie back and soak for 20 minutes!

Bentonite Clay


Bentonite and colon cleansing

Bentonite is a type of volcanic ash with remarkable properties. Its attributes were first discovered in 1961, when scientists noticed its ability to absorb toxins and transport them out of the body.

Bentonite is frequently used with Psyllium in a colon cleanse. It is particularly adept at removing Candida and its toxins, so make sure to include it if you do a colon cleanse!

How does Bentonite work?

Bentonite is an inert volcanic ash. The reason why it is so effective is its inert property - it cannot be absorbed by the body. It is a substance that naturally absorbs toxins, yet does not get absorbed itself.

When Bentonite passes through your colon, it absorbs any toxins it finds and then simply passes through and is released in your feces.

Bentonite is also frequently used in Candida cleanses, where it also helps by absorbing the products of the 'die-off', when the Candida yeast dies and releases its toxins. This is invaluable in making a Candida cleanse more bearable for you!

Combine Bentonite with Psyllium (right) in your cleanse for increased effect. The Psyllium gently scrapes the junk out of your gut while the Bentonite picks up any toxins that are released.

How do you take Bentonite?

Bentonite must be processed into a fine powder and mixed in distilled water. Bentonite does not mix easily with water, so the mixing must be done outside of the body. Bentonite in a powder or tablet form will be much less effective.

Who should not take Bentonite?

As a inert substance Bentonite should be safe for everyone to take. However if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or have a serious illness, be sure to consult your doctor. It should not be taken within 2 hours of other medicines or supplements.

Bentonite Side Effects

Again, Bentonite seems relatively safe. However there have as yet been no long term studies of its safeness.




Many of the other colon cleansing products that you see on this site have Psyllium in them. Along with Bentonite, its also one of the essential ingredients in creating your own colon cleanse.

Whether you buy a colon cleansing product or make your own, make sure that it includes plenty of Psyllium. Its the oldest and best way to bulk up your bowel movements and give yourself and good clean out. It works great in combination with colonic irrigation, but can also be used alone.

How does Psyllium work?

Psyllium comes from the plantain plant (not related to the banana-like plantain) and was originally used in Persia and India. Its not the Psyllium seeds that we use for colon cleansing though, but the Psyllium husk that surrounds those seeds. You can buy it in powdered form.

The Psyllium husk is a great source of water-soluble fiber that expands to several times its original size when mixed with water. It quickly transforms from powder form into a gooey substance called mucilage. This moves through your colon, bulking up and softening your stool. The thick, toxic fecal matter that lines your colon is loosened and pulled out along with the Psyllium.

You might be surprised at some of your bowel movements while your taking Psyllium - as well as taking on a more gooey appearance, they may start to change to a darker color. The reason for this is that old fecal matter is being expelled, some of which may have been sitting in your colon for weeks or even months!

In addition to emptying your colon of whatever toxic waste may be lying inside it, Psyllium is a great and healthy way to promote regular bowel movements, without the cramps that laxatives can cause. Although the first few doses can cause some bloating (as the Psyllium expands inside you), after a while you should start to feel lighter, thinner and more healthy.

How do you take Psyllium?

Whether in liquid or husk form, Psyllium does not have a pleasant texture or flavor. So most cleansers add it to water or, even better, some fresh juice.

If you're combining Psyllium with a juice diet (highly recommended), add it to three glasses of juice per day. This is very flexible, so if you feel a little bloated when you start, just take a break for a few hours.

If you're just combining Psyllium with your normal diet, add the husk/powder to one glass of juice per day. This should be enough to cleanse your colon a little and promote regular bowel movements.

Alternatively, you can just take a colon cleansing supplement like Colonix, Puristat or Enuvia. Almost all colon cleansing supplements contain Psyllium.

Who should not take Psyllium?

Psyllium is considered an extremely safe supplement, but always consult your doctor before beginning a colon cleanse if you have any medical complaints or worries.

Parasite Cleanse

Parasite Cleanse

Parasite detox

Most of us consider parasites like round worm, tape worm and seat worm to be problems in the Third World. Many people are shocked to hear that not only are they prevalent in developed countries too, but they may be one of the primary causes of diseases ranging from the common cold to even cancer!

Somewhere between 80% and 90% of people have parasites in their system. Dr Hulda Clark suggests that a parasite cleanse will rid your body of these nasty little organisms and leave your immune system free to combat other diseases. The irony is that we regularly deworm our pets, yet we rarely consider that we might have worms ourselves.

Sources of Worms and Parasites

Parasites can often be found in contaminated water supplies, particularly in less developed parts of the world. Don’t drink tap water or water from streams, rivers or lakes.

Unfortunately the popularity of sushi, ceviche, steak tartar and medium rare burgers have sent the rate of worm infestation shooting up. Always make sure your meat and fish are well cooked.

Pets can also give you worms, so be sure to regularly deworm them and don’t share dishes with them! Try to always wash your hands after handling them.

What are the symptoms of Parasite infection?

Many sufferers of parasites do not have any obvious symptoms, but if you tend to have diarrhea or other abdominal issues, burning or itching of the skin, it is possible that you have parasites. Other symptoms include:

IBS, Blood Sugar Fluctuations, Fatigue, Food Cravings, Rectal Itching, Bloating, Diarrhea, Foul breath, Restlessness at night

So where do these parasites comes from? They can be found in the water you drink, the food you eat (if you don't wash it properly) and you can contract them from your pets or even your spouse! That's why there is such a large incidence of parasites in our population.

Parasite Cleansing Techniques

Parasites can lay thousands of eggs a day, most of which are killed by your immune system. But to kill the ones that are left you need some specific substances and compounds. We list here the major substances that have been found to kill parasites. It is possible to make your own de-worming solution, but they are also available online or from your local health shop.

Regular consumption of anti-parasitic foods can also help - try adding raw garlic and onions, pumpkin seeds, apple cider vinegar, kelp and yogurt to your diet.

Black Walnut
Originally a folk herbal remedy, Black Walnut is now commonly used to kill the adults of around 100 different parasites.

Like black walnut, this kills the adult parasites. It can be found in tea, liquid or capsule form.

Cloves actually kill the eggs of the parasite. Its important to use these first three remedies together, to kill both the adult parasites and the eggs at the same time so the colony cannot re-grow.

Pumpkin Seeds
Mashed up and mixed with juice, pumpkin seeds have been found to be effective against parasites.

Whether mashed up, whole or in tablet form, Garlic is a great tool to combat parasite infection.

Once you have eliminated the parasites, its time to remove them from your system with a good colon cleanse. Mix Psyllium husks and Bentonite clay into your cleanse to fully clean out your colon and flush out any remaining organisms.

The last step is to change your diet so that the parasites do not come back. Add more garlic to your diet and reduce your intake of stimulants like coffee and sugar.

Gall Bladder Cleanse

Gallbladder Cleanse

Liver detox

So why do a gallbladder cleanse? Most people have no idea of how the gallbladder functions or why it does what it does.

Its actually incredibly important to your digestive process. The gallbladder collects and concentrated the bile that your liver manufactures, then release it into your stomach when needed.

Problems happen when gallstones form in the gallbladder. Most gallstone sufferers tend to be overweight, over 40 and usually female. Gallstones are overwhelmingly the most common gallbladder problem.

Why do a Gallbladder Cleanse?

When you eat fatty foods, its this bile that emulsifies the fat in your stomach. A poorly functioning gallbladder handicaps your digestive system and can cause gas, abdominal cramping and headaches.

Even worse is the pain associated with the dreaded gallstones, solid accumulations of bile and cholesterol that need to be cleansed from your system. This is often manifested through a pain in the right hand side of your abdomen.

Patients should always consult their doctor if they feel this pain, but should be conscious of options other than surgery. A gallbladder removal procedure (cholecystectomy) is often recommended by doctors, but a cleanse can sometimes work better than undergoing an intrusive medical procedure.

Gallbladder Cleansing Techniques

So now you've identifies the symptoms of gallstones, and you've realized that you're in one of the at-risk categories. Now what kind of cleanse do you need? A gallbladder flush can help to eliminate the stones and relieve the pain and digestive problems that comes with them.

Cleansing yourself of gall stones dramatically aids digestion, which in turn improves general health. Here are the 3 stages in a successful gallbladder cleanse:

Stage 1: Prepare for the cleanse by drinking fresh apple juice for 3 days. Meals should be small amounts of raw salad or unprocessed fruit.
Stage 2: Buy the gallbladder cleanse ingredients:
Epsom Salts (4 tablespoons in water)
Olive Oil
Fresh Grapefruit juice and Lemon juice

Stage 3: Do the cleanse. Choose a Saturday if possible! Here is the routine you should follow -

(i) Eat a very light breakfast and lunch of fruit and vegetables.

(ii) At 6pm, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 8pm.

(iii) At 10pm, mix the fruit juices and one cup of olive oil. Drink it, go to bed and get a good sleep while the cleanse does its work!

(iv) At 7am, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 9am and finish the mixture.

(v) Eat only light fruits and vegetables for the rest of the day. Your gallbladder should be cleansed and by the evening you should feel great!

Foods to Eat

Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates
Important as they provide vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and protein. These include brown rice, oatmeal, and wholemeal, barley, and rye products.

Fruits contain important antioxidants and necessary dietary fiber. Apples, pears and oranges are particularly high in pectin which is a great intestinal tract cleanser. Watermelon is also great - it contains important vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium.

All veggies contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body and liver. Legumes, cabbage, garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur - this is great for the liver by locking on to metallic toxins and excretes them.

Nuts and Seeds
Raw organic nuts provide good fats to the body as well as vitamin E, potassium, and folic acid. Flaxseed oil is extremely high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Foods to avoid

All meat, fish, and dairy products
Fried foods
Soft drinks
Coffee and tea
Sugar or sugar substitutes
White flour products
White rice

Kidney Cleanse

The Kidney Cleanse

Liver detox

Got lower back pain and suspect it might be a kidney stone? Try this cleanse before an expensive hospital visit. Small kidney stones can be dissolved a few weeks with a few changes in your diet and large amounts of water to wash out any toxins that have built up over time.

This cleanse is not just to remove kidney stones though. The kidney filters out all kinds of toxic substances from your blood and is particularly sensitive to infections - keeping it clean and functioning properly is important for your health.

What are Kidney Stones?

A kidney cleanse is a great way to avoid kidney stones, but how do they form? If you are dehydrated or have consumed lots of toxic substances, the urine that passes through the kidney can crystallize, forming mineral deposits or kidney stones.

If the stones become too big they can block urine flow, causing extreme pain in your lower back. A kidney cleanse helps these stones to dissolve, easing your pain, and can also prevent them from forming in the first place.

How to do the Kidney Cleanse

The kidney cleanse is a 3-day fast during which you must drink large quantities of distilled water and apple juice. You can drink up to a gallon of each, separately or mixed together.

If you haven't tried a fast before, don't worry this cleanse is perfectly healthy. You may be a little hungry, but the apple juice will give you energy and help you feel more full.

You can start checking for kidney stones immediately after your first drink of apple juice. Use a simple tea strainer to look for them - they might be very small so look carefully.

Not everyone passes kidney stones on this cleanse, but even if you don't its very healthy and will prevent any future problems.

Herbs for Kidney Cleansing

Try the following herbs before or after your kidney cleanse.

Uva Ursi (Bearberry)

When taken orally, Uva Ursi transforms in the stomach into a compound with antimicrobial and disinfectant properties. It then passes down through the urinary system and so can also aid with urinary infections.


Parsley detoxifies the kidney by flushing toxins out, and is beneficial in the treatment and prevention of kidney stones. Parsley contains a compound named Apoil, which has now been isolated and used in medication to treat kidney ailments and kidney stones.

To make a Parsley tea, place 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley into a pot with the lid on. Heat the water to almost boiling, then turn off the heat. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, then strain the parsley out and enjoy the tea.


Nettles are effective diuretics and anti-bacterials that can help to treat and prevent kidney stones. They are available as a tea or in capsules.

Kidney Cleanser Recipes

Ultimate Kidney Cleanser Juice

Here are two great kidney cleanse recipes. Just throw it all together in the juicer, then drink! You can also use a blender if you want it to be more like a smoothie.

Recipe 1
4 Stalks Celery
3 Sprigs Parsley
1 Cucumber
Half a lemon

Recipe 2
2 Apples
4-6 slices Watermelon

Kidney Cleansing Tea

A variety of teas are available that can help with a Kidney Cleanse. Watermelon seed tea and Celery seed tea are both powerful diuretics that increase your water intake and flush water more quickly through the kidneys.

Fat Flush

Fat Flush

Fat Flush

The Fat Flush uses cleansing principles to bring about healthy weight loss. The author, Anne Louise Gittelman, was a nutritionist at the famous Pritkin Longevity Center.

As opposed to the Pritkin diet, which drastically limits all fats, the Fat Flush focuses on consuming small amounts of "good" fats, carbs and proteins.

To be honest the Fat Flush is more of a diet plan than a true cleanse. It has many beneficial effects besides weight loss though and is an excellent detox plan for your liver.

How Does the Fat Flush Cleanse Work?

The Fat Flush cleanse focuses on the liver and its fat-burning capability. Anne Gittelman claims that many of us have livers that are tired and full of leftover toxins. By detoxifying the organ, we can restore its fat-burning power and begin to lose weight. After this first phase, dieters reintroduce good carbs and good fats to return to a sustainable diet.

A highly commendable part of this diet is its recommendation that users supplement their diet with sufficient sleep, a good exercise routine and a comprehensive journal of their eating habits. The diet lasts up to 4 weeks, before moving on to a longer-term, lifetime regime.

What are the Fat Flush phases?

Phase One
In Phase One the goal is to detoxify the liver. You cut out alcohol and caffeine, and reduce your caloric intake to around 1200 calories. This is to give your liver a break and allow it time to recuperate and repair itself.

There are specific rules for your diet throughout the Fat Flush. Each meal should contain one protein item, do not mix milk and meat in the same meal, do not drink water with your meal, and do not mix fruits and vegetables. Although they sound a little strange, these rules are supposedly a crucial part of the fat flushing technique.

As for exercise, dieters should undertake moderate activity in Phase One, for example long walks. Trampoline exercises are encouraged - the idea is that bouncing can help shift the extra fat and enable the flushing technique to work more rapidly.

Phase Two
The meal plans and exercises are similar in Phase Two, but the daily caloric intake is allowed to increase from 1100 calories to 1400 calories. Certain good carbs such as brown rice are reintroduced to the diet, but the meal rules listed in Phase One still apply.

Phase Three
In Phase Three dieters increase their caloric intake to previous levels, above 1500 calories per day. Exercise is also stepped up to include weight training.

Does the Fat Flush Cleanse Work?

The claims that the liver is a fat-burning powerhouse are somewhat dubious, however dieters to tend to see reasonable results with this diet. The reason is that, despite all the hype about the liver, it is basically just a low calorie diet plan with exercise added. Looking at it from this angle, it can be an effective diet, but don't place too much credence on the supposed science behind it.

As with all low calorie diets, dieters should be careful to get all the nutrition they need, taking extra vitamin supplements if necessary. Eating out can be difficult, but items on the menu like grilled chicken should be fine.

As for expense, the diet recommends some supplements like primrose oil and protein powders that can be quite dear. These are not really necessary though.

Arise & Shine Cleanse

Arise and Shine Cleanse

Arise and Shine cleanse

The Arise and Shine cleanse was developed by Dr Richard Anderson, who discovered a unique combination of herbs, while on holiday in the Western US, that produced rejuvenating and life-changing effects.

Twenty years after this discovery, the Arise and Shine cleanse is one of the most popular cleansing plans around, with tens of thousands of adherents all over the world.

The Arise and Shine cleanse is unique because it is a complete intestinal cleanse. Rather than just cleaning the colon like moat cleansing plans, it goes to work on your entire alimentary canal, all the way from your mouth and tongue, through your stomach and into your colon. It also has positive effects on your liver and kidney, hence the need for this cleanse to have a page of its own.

How Does the Arise and Shine Cleanse Work?

This cleanse places the digestive system right at the center of the body, reasoning that an unhealthy colon or stomach will quickly impair the performance not only of those organs, but also of other organs in the body, like the liver and even the brain. The Arise and Shine Cleanse focuses on restoring these important organs to health.

A key part of the cleanse is the pH of your body. Dr Anderson found that if the blood is too acidic, large amounts of mucoid plaque can cover the interior of hollow organs like stomach and colon. This plaque prevents proper mineral absorption and can also harbor toxins and yeast like Candida.

So how to get rid of this plaque and restore your body to health? The Arise and Shine Cleanse features a unique combination of herbs that loosens the plaque from the sides of your alimentary canal, as well as Psyllium and Bentonite, two substances that help to flush out toxins.

Cleanser often experience symptoms like bloating, headaches and irritability for the first 2-3 days of the cleanse. This quickly subsides though, and is replaced by a wonderful sense of wellbeing.

What are the Arise and Shine ingredients?

The basic Arise and Shine Cleanse involves drinking special shakes in place of your meals. The ingredients are listed below. As you do the cleanse for longer, the ingredients become more concentrated and the effects more potent.

To balance electrolytes, it is recommended that cleansers drink 2-3 bowls of vegetable broth per day. You can see the recipe below. Some coconut or carrot juice is also permitted.

Chomper is a gentle herbal cleansing supplement that loosens the mucoid plaque in your stomach, colon, liver and other organs. Sometimes taken with Cayenne pepper to improve its effectiveness.

Herbal Nutrition
A supplement taken with Chomper that helps to loosen and push out the mucoid plaque.

Arise and Shine and Psyllium

Psyllium Husk
Psyllium is a natural fiber that gently scrapes waste matter and toxins out of your stomach and colon.

When Bentonite passes through your colon, it absorbs any toxins its finds and then simply passes through.

Flora Grow
A probiotic supplement to restore the bacterial balance to your colon after a cleanse

Vegetable Broth

2-3 bowls a day of this vegetable broth is recommended on the fast to replace depleted minerals. Use organic vegetables if possible!

Dice 3-4 peeled potatoes of any variety
Dice one small onion
Thinly slice 3-4 stalks of fresh grown celery
Thinly slice 1 or 2 fresh grown carrots
Chop a large handful of grown greens such as kale or chard

Place in 3 quarts of pure clean or distilled water. Simmer for 20 minutes, Strain the liquid, discard the veggies and drink.

Side Effects of the Arise and Shine Cleanse

The Arise and Shine Cleanse can have the same side effects as most colon cleanses. When toxins are pulled out of the body this fast, your system sometimes cannot flush them all out and they are reabsorbed into the bloodstream. If you suffer from a yeast infection like Candida, a 'die-off' of the yeast may also cause some of these symptoms.

Side effects can range from constipation and diarrhea to fatigue and depression, but they will soon pass. Once these symptoms go, you will start to feel the lifting and rejuvenating effects of the cleanse. Good luck!

Ayurvedic Cleanse

Ayurvedic Cleansing

Ayurvedic detox

Ayurvedic cleansing was originally created for the Indian royal family. Its purpose is to prolong life by removing physical impurities from the body, while also clearing your mind of negative thoughts and energy. Ayurvedic cleanses are now becoming more and more popular in the West.

This cleanse is beneficial for everyone, but it is especially important as you get older and your body becomes less able to flush out toxins by itself. Its a good cleanse to do once a year to really flush the toxins out of your body.

Ayurvedic Cleansing Technique

An Ayurvedic Cleanse typically has three phases and lasts several weeks. Most of this time is low-intensity preparation though, so its a cleanse that can easily fit in with your normal lifestyle.

Purva Karma (the Preparation Phase)
Purva Karma is the first stage in the Ayurvedic cleansing process, which prepares your mind and body for the release of toxins and negative energy. It involves changes in both your diet and your routine, because an Ayurvedic cleanse is designed to improve both your physical and mental health.

Three weeks before the cleanse, you should eliminate all stimulants (e.g. coffee), sweets and dairy products from your diet. Then, a week before you start the cleanse, you should cut your diet down to predominantly whole grains and vegetables. An excellent preparation recipe is Khichadi, basically brown rice, beans, onions and vegetables mixed into a stew with ginger and garlic.

Preparation of your mind comes next. Try to eliminate some of your daily routine and leave time in your day for meditation, private time and walks in the park. Practice deep breathing in relaxing locations, this will clean your body of negative emotion and destructive energy.

Pancha Karma (the Cleansing Phase)
The cleansing phase of the Ayurvedic diet is comprised of three practices - cleansing, enemas and laxatives. The last two are pretty obvious, you can buy enema kits and laxatives at your local pharmacy, or go for a colonic at a nearby clinic. The cleansing is quite specific though, and there is a special recipe that you should use.

Try this herbal drink to aid your Ayurvedic fast. Boil and simmer in a pan for 5 minutes, then let it cool for 15 minutes more.

6 cups of water
3 teaspoons of cumin
3 teaspoons of coriander powder
6 cardamom pods
3 teaspoons crushed fennel seeds
2 pinched black pepper
2 slices fresh ginger

You can do this cleanse for several days, but remember to take some vitamin and mineral supplements to maintain the correct levels in your body. It is also important to continue the meditation and deep breathing techniques that you started in the preparation phase.

The Rejuvenation Phase
The last step in the Ayurvedic cleanse is rejuvenation, lasting about a week. This is where you end the fast and return to the simple diet that you followed during the preparation phase. Try to focus on eating whole grains and vegetables, washed down with plenty of water.

It is very important to continue your meditation throughout this phase. Your body has now been cleansed, and it is during this time that your mind will start to be healed too. It is often a very emotional time for cleansers, and it is a good idea to take some time off work, or try to do it over a weekend.

Heavy Metal Cleanse

Heavy Metal Cleanse

Arise and Shine cleanse

We live in an increasingly toxic and polluted world. Everyday we are exposed to harmful heavy metals which we breath in, ingest and absorb through our skin. These gradually accumulate over time in our tissues, to toxic levels of concentration which begin to compromise our health. This is leading to an epidemic of chronic disease, but that's only half the story. Heavy metals also produce free radicals in the body, contributing to aging and disease too.

It's virtually impossible to prevent toxic heavy metals being absorbed into our body. However, by making a few changes to your diet and lifestyle, and doing a cleanse to remove some of these metals, you can really improve your health. Lots of health problems and symptoms could be related to the accumulation of these toxic metals. Check out some of our delicious cilantro recipes for some ideas.

Where are Heavy Metals found?


There is no safe level for mercury in the body. It can be found in some places that might surprise you - air conditioning filters, adhesives, cosmetics, fabric softener, laxatives, tattoos, seafood, vaccinations, even in the air we breath. There is no way to avoid exposure completely, because Mercury from coal-fired power plants is floating around in our atmosphere. It is especially important that pregnant women and infants limit their exposure to mercury as much as possible, as it can cause neurological problems.

Silver dental amalgam fillings are a major source of contamination. They contain at least 50% mercury, and can be very poisonous to the body. Mercury particles and vapor are continuously released in the body as you chew, grind and brush your teeth. There is no safe level of mercury to have in your system, so keeping it in your mouth is definitely a bad idea! Many people with unresolved health problems notice a major difference after getting them removed. It might be a bit expensive but there is no price that you can put on your health.

Another major source of mercury poisoning is in the fish we eat. Unfortunately, mercury pollution has made it into our oceans and is dramatically affecting our fish supply. This is particularly true for the fish at the top of the food chain - shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel contain high levels of mercury and should be consumed only rarely. Many people are surprised to discover that the mercury concentration in tuna steaks is also quite alarming. It is even higher in canned tuna, although tuna packed in water tends to contain less mercury than tuna packed in oil. Pregnant women and children should avoid seafood with high mercury levels altogether, and limit other fish. Since it is important to get enough Omega-3's, a fish oil supplement without mercury, dioxins and PCBs is recommended.


Lead is poisonous even in tiny amounts. This toxic heavy metal is stored in your liver, kidneys, brain, teeth and bones. Again, it is completely unavoidable because it is found in our soil and water. Children tend absorb more lead than adults, which can lead to behavioral problems and reduction of IQ.

There are simple ways to limit your lead exposure. For starters, don't use lead based paint. Always take your shoes off when you come in the house - lead is found in the soil and can be brought in on dirty boots. Lead can also be in our tap water, from old pipes with lead linings, so run your water for a few minutes if it hasn't been used in hours. Hot water leaches more lead from the pipes, so always use cold water for drinking and cooking.


Aluminum is thought to be linked to Alzheimer's disease, memory problems, strokes and heart attacks. Antiperspirants use Aluminum Zirconium to glue your sweats glands closed. This prevents toxins from being removed, and has been linked to a higher incidence of breast cancer.

Other things to avoid are baking powder, aluminum foil, aluminum cookware and aluminum food cans. Switch to a natural antiperspirants that is aluminum-free, and make sure you don't use any antacids that contain aluminum.

How can you get Heavy Metals out of your system?

Chelation therapy is the introduction of chelating agents that bind and remove heavy metals from the body. Your body does naturally chelate these heavy metals itself. However, with increasing pollution and toxicity levels, your body can't eliminate it all and it begins to accumulate. Fortunately, there are a few economical supplements that can help your body expel these unwanted toxins.


Also referred to as Chinese parsley or coriander. Cilantro is a natural herb and an effective natural chelator of toxic metal accumulated in the nervous system, bones and body tissues. Research has shown that Cilantro can bind to heavy metals and flush them from the body. It has a wonderful taste and can be used fresh in many recipes such as soups and salads.

Check out some of our delicious cilantro recipes. It makes a great pesto too, which is wonderful to smear on everything!

You can take fresh Cilantro, Cilantro tincture or Cilantro tea. The most economical and enjoyable way is to make a batch of fresh cilantro pesto and take 2 teaspoons a day for 3 weeks to flavor your food. You can add it to pasta, vegetables, chicken, fish, beef dishes and even just bread - it's so versatile.

Here is simple recipe for Cilantro pesto.

1 clove garlic
1/2 cup almonds, walnuts, pin nuts or other nuts
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
2 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons olive oil

Add everything to a food processor and just blend it. This recipe can be doubled and tripled and then refrigerated for a few days. You can even put it the freezer in ice cube trays.


Chlorella is a type of algae that has numerous health benefits, including boosting the immune system and protecting the body from bacteria and viruses. It contains protein and antioxidants, and boosts energy levels by increasing the oxygen level in your blood. It is also very effective in cleansing the body of these burdensome heavy metals.

Chlorella works by binding to the heavy metals and other environmental toxins, acting as a sponge to remove them from your body. When taken in conjunction with Cilantro, it works even better than when taken alone. You can find it in powder and tablet form. Generally its best to take Chlorella 30 minutes after Cilantro. This is because Cilantro mobilizes the heavy metals, then Chlorella absorbs and eliminates them.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports the body's detoxification process. It helps protect your immune system from the mobilized toxins as they leave your body. Take 1000mg of Vitamin C daily, after meals and separately from Chlorella.


Garlic contains sulfur which is an excellent chelator of toxic metals such as mercury and lead. It oxidizes the heavy metals, making them water soluble and easy to excrete. You can add 2-3 fresh cloves a day to your food if you like garlic, otherwise get some reduced odor garlic tablets.

7 Day Liver Detox

7 day Liver Detox

Liver detox

A full liver cleanse can be hard to stomach, so why not try a slower, but just as effective method? You can still get the benefits of weight loss, a healthier complexion and higher energy levels.

Everything you eat and drink affects the liver - its job is to keep us clean inside. Simply knowing what foods are good and what food are toxic can significantly improve your health and well being.

By making a few changes to your diet over a 7 day period, you can help your liver cleanse itself. See below for the lists of food to eat and to avoid.

Benefits of a Liver Detox

  • Weight Loss
    A properly functioning liver is important to maintain a lean physique. If you are having trouble losing weight, you may want to take a look at what you are eating and make some changes. When your liver becomes too overloaded with toxins, some of these are stored in your fat tissues. Even if you are eating within your calorie limits, a mixture of toxic food and an unhealthy lifestyle could still mean you have trouble staying slim.
  • Healthy Complexion
    A clean liver will also reward you with beautiful, clear skin. If the liver can't clear the toxins out of your system, they will find another way to escape - possibly through your skin in the form of acne and rashes. Age spots, puffy eyes, wrinkled and sallow skin are also signs of an overburdened liver.
  • Energy and Optimal Heath
    It is essential to keep your liver clean to stay energetic and free from illness. A malfunctioning liver allows toxins into the bloodstream, placing your immune system under stress and causing infections, allergies and fatigue.

Foods to Eat

  • Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates
    Important as they provide vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and protein. These include brown rice, oatmeal, and wholemeal, barley, and rye products.
  • Fruits
    Fruits contain important antioxidants and necessary dietary fiber. Apples, pears and oranges are particularly high in pectin which is a great intestinal tract cleanser. Watermelon is also great - it contains important vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium.
  • Vegetables
    All veggies contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body and liver. Legumes, cabbage, garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur - this is great for the liver by locking on to metallic toxins and excretes them.
  • Nuts and Seeds
    Raw organic nuts provide good fats to the body as well as vitamin E, potassium, and folic acid. Flaxseed oil is extremely high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Foods to avoid

All meat, fish, and dairy products
Fried foods
Soft drinks
Coffee and tea
Sugar or sugar substitutes
White flour products
White rice.

Drinks to help your liver

Fresh veggie and fruit juice, lemon water, dandelion tea, rice and almond milk.

Liver Supplements

Milk Thistle
This herb cleanses and protects the liver from toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, pollution and pesticides.

Dandelion Root
This herb increases bile production in the liver, helping digestion.

Liver Detox Drink Recipe

Liver detox drink

This a delicious, easy drink to make. Add all ingredients into the blender and voila!

A handful of spinach
1 apple
1 banana
1 lemon (squeezed)
Half a chili pepper (optional)
1 garlic clove or as much as desired (optional)
1 glass of water

The Brown Rice Cleanse

The Brown Rice Cleanse

The Brown Rice Cleanse

You can see why white rice is so popular - its cheaper, cooks faster and is fluffier than the brown variety.

Sadly this means that most people miss out on brown rice - a real powerhouse food that actually has double the fiber of white rice!

Brown rice is not just nutritionally great for your body though - it also acts as a powerful cleanser with a similar effect to Psyllium husk. This is a high fiber 7 day cleanse that is very easy to follow.

Why does brown rice contain so much more fiber than white rice? The key is in the way its produced.

The milling of brown rice only removes the hull (the outer layer), which is not edible. The rest of the grain is left intact. The production of white rice, however, involves milling to remove the bran and almost all of the germ layer.

These extra processes destroy most of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber contained in the grain. White rice also has an extremely high Glycemic Index, which can cause your blood sugar levels to rise and contribute to weight gain. Conversely, the brown rice grain also contains B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and selenium.

How does the Brown Rice Cleanse work?

Brown rice contains a high amount of fiber which is excellent for cleansing the colon. In your intestine it acts like a pipecleaner, grabbing nasty toxins like pollutants, chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals on its way through.

For the cleanse to work you must use organic brown rice, cooked very thoroughly to make it easier to digest. Soak the rice for for at least 25-30 minutes, overnight if you can, to really soften the bran layer on the rice grain.


This is a very high fiber diet, with considerable flexibility on what you eat as long as you stick to the correct fruits, vegetables and brown rice. Stick to it for 7 days and you'll get some great results.

There are no specific restrictions on portion sizes, but try to eat only until you feel 80% full. Chewing the rice slowly will help as this slows down the eating process and allows your body to tell you that you are full.

  • Fresh fruits, except banana.
  • Herbs and spices such as garlic, chili peppers, cilantro, ginger, parley, onions.
  • A small amount of extra virgin olive oil or flaxseed oil can be used with the veggies and rice.
  • Freshly squeezed juices, hot lemon tea with ginger, fresh mint tea, uncaffeinated herbal teas.
  • Fresh vegetables, except corn and mushrooms. They can be eaten raw, lightly steamed or oven baked. No frozen or canned food is allowed.

Example Menu

As much fruit ( except banana) and freshly squeezed juice as you like until lunch

Lightly steamed veggies ( except corn and mushrooms)
Brown rice

Raw veggie sticks or fresh fruit

Lightly steamed veggies ( except corn and mushrooms)
Brown rice

Raw veggie sticks or fresh fruit
Unlimited allowed beverages

Brown Rice Recipe Ideas

Brown Rice with Apple, Celery & Tomato

2 Cups Brown Rice
1 Celery Stalk
10 Cherry Tomatoes
1 Apple
Half a Squeezed Lemon

Cook rice then mix with chopped tomatoes, apple and celery in a large bowl. Squeeze on the lemon and add sea salt to taste.

Brown Rice with Tomato & Avocado

2 Cups Brown Rice
15 Cherry Tomatoes
1 Avocado
A Few Sprigs of Cilantro
2 Garlic Cloves (Minced)
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
Half a Squeezed Lemon

Cook brown rice as directed. Mix all ingredients together, then season to taste and serve on a flat plate. This should serve 2 people.

Liver Cleanse

Liver Cleansing

Liver detox

One of the main functions of the liver is to remove and breakdown toxins from the blood. It also metabolizes ingested drugs, including pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol.

This imposes a large burden on the liver day to day - liver cleansing is an effective way to give your liver a break and allow it to work more effectively. In other words, your liver is your filter and it functions best when cleaned out once in a while.

How Does Liver Cleansing Work?

To remove gall stones from the liver is a process of several stages. Stage one involves drinking lots of apple juice. The pectin in the juice helps to soften and flatten the stones in the gall bladder and liver. This helps their eventual passage through the bile ducts.

The most important part of a liver cleanse is drinking olive oil and fruit juice, late at night before sleeping. The act of lying down in bed allows the oil to go into your liver and gall bladder. This temporarily overloads the organs, causes a reaction in which the stones are expelled.

Of course, the expulsion of these stones has the potential to be a very painful process. So the addition of Epsom salts opens the bile ducts nice and wide, so the stones (already flattened by the apple juice) to pass through freely.

The grapefruit and lemon juice are used to produce more bile in the liver, trapping fat molecules and allowing them to be easily secreted. It also helps to decrease your appetite.

Liver Cleansing Techniques

Cleansing the liver of gall stones dramatically aids digestion, which in turn improves general health. Here are the 3 stages in a successful liver cleanse:

Stage 1: Prepare for the cleanse by drinking fresh apple juice for 3 days. Meals should be small amounts of raw salad or unprocessed fruit.
Stage 2: Buy the liver cleanse ingredients:
Epsom Salts, 4 tablespoons mixed in 4 cups of water
Olive Oil
Fresh Grapefruit juice and Lemon juice

Stage 3: Do the cleanse. Choose a Saturday if possible! Here is the routine you should follow -

(i) Eat a very light breakfast and lunch of fruit and vegetables.

(ii) At 6pm, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 8pm.

(iii) At 10pm, mix the fruit juices and one cup of olive oil. Drink it, go to bed and get a good sleep while the cleanse does its work!

(iv) At 7am, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 9am and finish the mixture.

(v) Eat only light fruits and vegetables for the rest of the day. Your liver should be cleansed of gall stones and by the evening you should feel great!

Foods to Eat

Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates
Important as they provide vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and protein. These include brown rice, oatmeal, and wholemeal, barley, and rye products.

Fruits contain important antioxidants and necessary dietary fiber. Apples, pears and oranges are particularly high in pectin which is a great intestinal tract cleanser. Watermelon is also great - it contains important vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium.

All veggies contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body and liver. Legumes, cabbage, garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur - this is great for the liver by locking on to metallic toxins and excretes them.

Nuts and Seeds
Raw organic nuts provide good fats to the body as well as vitamin E, potassium, and folic acid. Flaxseed oil is extremely high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Foods to avoid

All meat, fish, and dairy products
Fried foods
Soft drinks
Coffee and tea
Sugar or sugar substitutes
White flour products
White rice

Drinks to help your liver

Fresh veggie and fruit juice, lemon water, dandelion tea, rice and almond milk.

Liver Supplements

Milk Thistle
This herb cleanses and protects the liver from toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, pollution and pesticides.

Dandelion Root
This herb increases bile production in the liver, helping digestion.

Liver Detox Drink Recipe

This a delicious easy drink to make. Add all ingredients into the blender and voila!

A handful of spinach
1 apple
1 banana
1 lemon (squeezed)
Half a chili pepper (optional)
1 garlic clove or as much as desired (optional)
1 glass of water

Immune Booster Cleanse

The Immune-Booster Cleanse

Immune system booster

Do you feel like you are always getting colds, skin rashes, headaches, fatigue or sinus infections? Well, maybe you need to do a cleanse that focuses on boosting your immune system, so your body can defend itself better from bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. A good time to start thinking about boosting your immune system is before flu season comes around, or before any airplane travel.

Our immune system is supposed to protect us from these everyday illnesses, but our lifestyle choices can weaken this protective shield, leaving us vulnerable to disease and infections. A lot of the food we ingest is man-made, processed junk that put stress on your body and immune system. We should really be focusing on fresh, natural food. By cleansing out some bad lifestyle habits and junk food you can have your body fighting off every germ that comes your way!

Here are a few foods to eat and foods to avoid while you’re doing an immune system cleanse. Remember to be realistic - cutting out 100 percent of the bad stuff is probably not going to happen! However, if you try to stick to the plan for 2 weeks and work out a diet and lifestyle that work for you, then you’ll start to see some real improvements to your health.

Immune System Suppressors

These are the foods and lifestyle choices that actually weaken your immune system.

Alcohol and Coffee
Both alcohol and coffee lower the amount of white blood cells in your bloodstream. This weakens your body’s defenses against illness. They both impair the body’s absorption of vital nutrients, weakening the body and making it more susceptible to illness.

Cigarettes contain arsenic, cadmium, formaldehyde, to name just a few of the toxic chemicals that enter your system whenever you light up. All of these will impair your immune function - irritated lungs are much more vulnerable to infection.

Too much sugar can also suppress your immune system. Avoid sugar, honey, syrup, chocolate, and check labels for anything ending in “ose”. Avoid white flour and white flour products too - they affect the immune system in much the same way.

If you have a sweet tooth, you might think this is going to be an impossible task, but stick to it for a coupe of weeks and your cravings will go away. You can have a piece of fruit to curb your craving, but stay away from artificial sweeteners as they are very toxic, even worse than sugar.

Trans Fats
Trans fats are very toxic, damaging to your body and will certainly weaken your immune system. The main culprits are foods like cookies, cakes, donuts, pizza, fried chicken and most fast foods. When you’re shopping for food, be careful of shortening, margarine, cereal and cereal bars. But remember - the only sure way to avoid eating trans fats is to read labels!

How to Boost Your Immune System

When you have a cold people will often tell you to get some sleep, and its true that adequate rest is one of the most important factors in a healthy immune system. That’s why we feel so tired when we get sick. When we sleep, our immune system repairs and rebuilds, ready and armed to fight off all those germs that we encounter throughout the day. Don’t rest only when you get ill - try to aim for a consistent 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Research has shown that getting 30 minutes of vitamin D from sunlight or daylight strengthens the immune system to fight off disease. Don’t go overboard though. Sunlight is great for your health but you shouldn’t put your skin at risk for skin cancer.

Skin brushing
This is an unconventional technique for boosting blood circulation. Skin brushing stimulates the immune cells to move more rapidly throughout your body and also helps carry toxins out of the body.

Exercise stimulates your lymphatic system, which helps fight germs and remove toxins. It also increases oxygen in the body and raises your body temperature, both of which play important roles in boosting immunity. Over-exercising can actually suppress the immune system though, so don’t go overboard.

Immune-Boosting Foods

To boost your immune system, it is important to eat a variety of whole foods. However, there is a small group of foods that you should put particular emphasis on.

Fruits and Vegetables

These immune boosters contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all important for keeping your immune system in order and your body free from disease. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables will nourish your body, however there are some that are super immune fighting.

Vitamin C
Try to include a serving or 2 of these super immune-boosting fruits and vegetables every day. Here are the ones that are highest in vitamin C:

  • Guava
  • Citrus fruits
  • Kiwi
  • Cantaloupe
  • Strawberries
  • Bell peppers
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Parsley

Vitamin E
Make sure you get enough of this immune boosting antioxidant. The best sources include lean meats, poultry, nuts, beans, grains, fortified cereals and leafy greens.

This is a strong antioxidant which boosts your immune system and can even fight cancer. Beta carotene converts to vitamin A. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, cantaloupe, squash.

Garlic contains an antimicrobial compound, Allicin, which encourages the multiplication of germ-fighting white blood cells. Studies have shown that people who consume garlic supplements, or consume garlic everyday, suffer from significantly fewer flus and colds. Two minced cloves of fresh garlic per day, either with food or mixed with water, should do the trick.


Lean meats contain Zinc, which plays a big role in activating the white blood cells that fight bacteria and viruses. Good sources include oysters, beans, turkey, lamb, eggs, fortified cereals, nuts and seeds (especially pumpkin seeds).

Buy Organic
All meat and eggs that you buy should be organic, to avoid unnecessary toxins like pesticides. Only eat wild-caught fish, and also avoid large fish that contain high levels of Mercury (e.g. shark, swordfish, tilefish, albacore and king mackerel).

Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that populate the intestine and prevent fungal infection. Studies have shown plain yogurt stimulates the immune system and improves overall health. Make sure you buy plain yogurt though - the sugar in most yogurt brands will actually suppress your immune system.

Green Tea

Green tea contains a compound named EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from cancer. Green tea also has powerful anti-bacterial properties, helps to control dental plaque, stimulates your immune system cells and helps to fight off infection.


Staying constantly hydrated will ensure your body’s waste fluids are removed quickly and efficiently. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day, a glass every hour if possible.

Colon Cleansing : Cleansing Recipes

Creamless Spinach Soup

This simple soup will revitalize your system as part of a Detox diet.
Servings: 2

1 pound of spinach
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced carrots
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced leek
3 cups water
1/2 teaspoon Thyme
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic

Sauté the onions, carrots, celery, leek in a pot with the oil and garlic.
Add the water and Thyme, simmer for one hour then leave to cool for one hour.
Puree in a blender, then put back in the pot on medium heat.
Add the spinach, cook until it wilts, and serve hot!

Cleansing Vegetable Broth

Many people believe that foods rich in the alkaline minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium help to neutralize toxic acids that can harm the body. This soup is overloaded with all those ingredients and should help you feel great!

2 cup carrot tops
2 cups celery tops
2 cups beet tops
2 quarts distilled water
3 cups celery stalk
3 cups water
2 cups red skinned potato peeling 1/2 inch thick
1 small zucchini

Chops all the vegetables into small pieces. Place them in a pot and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer, with the lid on, for 30 minutes.

Poached Red Snapper on Kale with Red Pepper Coulis

Did you think that cleansing food needs to be bland and tasteless? Well here's the proof that its not!
Servings: 2

6 four-ounce pieces of red snapper
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon peppercorns
1 bay leaf
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons garlic, chopped
2 pounds of kale
2 red peppers
1 cup basil

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place the snapper pieces in a shallow baking tray, covered with water, and add the lemon juice, peppercorns and bay leaf. Place in the oven for 30 minutes.

While the fish is cooking, sauté the kale with olive oil and garlic. Place the kale on plates - this is the base of the dish. Now broil the peppers until blackened. Remove the skin and seeds, dice, and sauté the pieces with olive oil and basil. Allow to cool and puree.

To complete the dish, divide the Kale between 6 plates. Place the fish on top, and drizzle the coulis!

Warm Broccoli Soup

This hearty and filling soup is all goodness, and it tastes great too!
Servings: 2

1/2 Avocado
6 -8 Decent size Broccoli Heads
1/3 Red Onion
1 Celery Stick
Big Handful of Spinach
An Inch of Root Ginger

Lightly steam the broccoli, for 5-6 minutes. Place it and all the other ingredients in a blender. Add garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Colon Cleansing : Colon Cleansing & Beauty

Beauty and Cleansing

Skin cleansing

There are many surprising ways in which cleansing can make you more beautiful. Some you may have heard of, for example weight loss and improved complexion. But there are several other benefits that you may not have heard of.

Stronger Nails & Shinier Hair

Your hair and nails need a steady supply of nutrients to grow and remain strong. But if your bloodstream contains toxins, they can make your hair dull and nails soft. Doing a cleanse makes sure that they get only the right nutrients, and will do them far more good than a host of expensive cosmetic products!

Reduced Body Odor

If you suffer from body odor, it is actually possible to tell which cleanse you need, just by the particular smell of that odor. For example, an oily smell means liver problems, while a rotten odor suggests issues with your kidney. Doing the right cleanse will restore the organ to health and get rid of that odor!

Cured Halitosis & Bad Breath

If you have bad breath, the first thing to check is your oral hygiene. However, some people also suffer from bad breath related to a toxic colon.

Reduced Cellulite

Cellulite affects more than 90% of adult women. There are several causes, but one of the most important is the level of toxins in your system.

The first place that your body stores dietary toxins is in the cells just under your skin. Poisoning these cells with junk food and soda can disrupt this layer of cells, causing the cellulite. Cleansing can reverse this process.

Weight Loss

A happy side effect of cleansing, and the healthy low fat diet that precedes and follows a cleanse, is usually weight loss. Juices and raw vegetables are healthy foods and great for your diet, so remember when your cleansing that a healthy system is only one of the great results that you can expect!

Flat Stomach

Have you ever had to put your skinny jeans back in the closet because you feel bloated? Cleansing can help! A healthy, functioning gastro-intestinal system reduces bloating and flattens your stomach, before you even start losing weight.

Glowing Complexion

Princess Diana was one of the first public advocates of Colonics - she used them three times a week to get her glowing complexion. If you're feeling washed out, tired and looking haggard, chances are that a revitalizing cleanse will restore your skin to health.

More Beautiful Eyes

Your eyes are a map of your body - problems elsewhere are reflected by redness and dark rings around the pupil. A good cleanse will restore your internal systems to health, replace any grayness or redness in your eyes with a sparkling white, and perhaps even lighten up the color of your iris!

Colon Cleansing : Benefits of Cleansing

Why do a Colon Cleanse?

Colon cleansing

The body has it's own natural ways of detoxing itself - however in this day and age, no matter how careful we are, accumulating harmful substances is unavoidable. Research suggests a detox diet can accelerate the rate of removal of these toxins.

These include chemicals which can be unknowingly inhaled from cigarette smoke, pollution, paints, hairsprays and household cleaners. Even more worryingly, by the time it reaches our plate almost every type of food we eat contains pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides, food addictives, preservatives, hormones and antibiotics.

This toxic load could possibly be leading to illness, hormonal dysfunction, and contributing to a low metabolism.


An unhealthy colon is a notoriously difficult problem to diagnose, but the following symptoms have all been associated with toxic build-up and constipation:

Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Gas, Acne, Poor Circulation, Back Pain, High Blood Pressure, Low Libido, Obesity, Poor Concentration, Swollen Legs

Other problems such as kidney stones and gallstones can also be helped by cleanses.


Cleansing is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Regular cleansers report any or all of the following benefits:

More Energy, Improved Mood, Better Digestive System, Clearer Complexion, Better Circulation, Higher Libido, Weight Loss, Improved Concentration, Eliminate Dark Circles under Eyes

What Causes the Toxic Build-up?

We put our colons under a great deal of stress with our modern lifestyle. Years of fast food, cigarettes, prescription drugs and alcohol keep the colon busy. Add to that indigestion, constipation, work-related stress, illnesses and sedentary lifestyles, and you have a recipe for an unhealthy colon.

The colon is the waste pipe of the body. Once the nutrients are taken out and processed, the waste from your food intake is passed through the colon and expelled from your body. What many people don't realize is that this fecal matter can get backed up and solidified in your colon, and without a regular cleansing program can get trapped there for years or decades, slowly releasing toxins into your system.

The waste matter hardens, fixing itself to the wall of the colon. Sometimes an unhealthy colon will have attached to it up to 20 pounds of this matter that just won't go away! Ever wondered why you sometimes feel heavy and bloated?

This waste material can seep through the walls of the colon, releasing toxins into your bloodstream. They can spread through your body, affecting every part of it. Hence the long and varied list of symptoms above.

Cleansing and Weight Loss

One of the most popular reasons for doing a cleanse is weight loss. Its true that some colons contain up to 20 pounds of compacted fecal matter. After a cleanse you will feel lighter, fitter and skinnier, even if your body's total fat does not immediately drop.

However, if you combine a Colonic Irrigation with a change in your diet, introducing some freshly squeezed juices and Psyllium husks to aid the cleanse, then you will see sustained weight loss. Your newly invigorated body will be more able to metabolize food, and you will also find you have more energy to work that excess weight off!

Colon Cleansing : Introduction to Colonics


Colonic Irrigation

Colonic irrigation is not just a new age fad - it was even more popular during Egyptian times! This is a gentle method of cleansing the colon of toxins and accumulated waste matter.

Regular colonics help to keep your digestive system, kidneys, and liver functioning properly to cleanse your system regularly on its own.

Colon cleansing can boost your energy levels, improve your complexion and even eliminate skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and eczema.

The Process

Otherwise known as Colon Hydrotherapy, colonics are the most direct route to a clean colon. A typical procedure lasts 45 minutes.

During a session, the patient lies down and is first given a gentle but firm massage in the lower stomach area. This is to loosen the materials that the colonic will hopefully expunge.

A small, sterile and disposable plastic tube is then inserted into the rectum and warm water is passed into the colon. Clients typically report a warm feeling but often have little sensation of the colonic, although it can feel slightly uncomfortable the first time.

The water is allowed to gently flow into your colon, then you push it out along with the fecal matter that it has loosened. This cycle repeats several times.

Other liquids, like coffee, are then typically added to the water. These flow into the colon and help to stimulate the liver to increase bile production and remove toxins from the body.

Its not just waste matter that is removed though - some good bacteria is flushed out along with the bad. However in this newly clean environment, good bacteria can multiply and flourish. Your therapist will often give you a probiotic after the treatment to repopulate your intestine.

Although requirements need to be determined on an individual basis, a series of 10-15 treatments should be adequate to restore optimum health to your colon. After that, one treatment a month should be enough to maintain it.

Colonics and Weight Loss?

Colonics don't really cause weight loss in the conventional sense - they won't help you burn any fat like a good diet or a trip to the gym. What they can do, however, is remove some of the old fecal matter that is weighing you down.

The average person has 10 pounds or more of dormant hardened fecal weight in the colon. This is comprised of mucoid plaque and other toxic matter. After a series of colonics, most people report feeling lighter, healthier and less bloated.

You can combine colonics with a fast or cleanse if you want to really boost your weight loss. Courtney love reportedly loss 40 pounds on a regime of colonics and fasting.

Colon Cleansing : Colon Cleansing Basics

How Does Colon Cleansing Work?

Colon cleansing

Colon Cleansing uses a combination of herbs natural supplements and lots of liquids, and perhaps some colonic irrigation, to help your body mend its internal organs and restore you to health.

Colonic irrigation (otherwise known as colonics) is an optional part of a colon cleanse, but any serious cleanser will tell you that it greatly increases the effectiveness of the cleanse.

The most important dietary part of a colon cleanse is the Psyllium. When taken with water, Psyllium expands in the bowels, forming a bulky, jelly-like substance. Its rough texture helps it to scrape along the sides of the colon, completely painlessly, and remove the excess waste matter and toxins from your digestive system.

A laxative is often used with Psyllium to aid in the movement of fecal matter from the bowel. However, when Psyllium is in its liquid form many people find it sufficient.

Colon Cleansing Techniques

The first stage in a colon cleanse, and before you even think about Psyllium or Bentonite, is to change your diet - eating fresh organically grown vegetables is a great start and will stop any more toxins from entering your system.

Think about what you eat - fast food is overloaded with additives, beef has added growth hormone, even fish are full of the various chemicals that are pumped into the oceans. So the first stage in your cleanse is to cut out these unnecessary toxins. Don't drink any coffee, alcohol or sodas. As for food, eat small amounts of vegetables and fruit, preferably with high water content.

The second stage involves adding a cleansing supplement to your diet. The two most common are Bentonite and Psyllium, which work best in combination. The Bentonite absorbs the toxins, while the Psyllium pushes them through and out of your system.


Add one or two tablespoons to a glass of water and take with your meal, once or twice daily. Psyllium is a natural fiber that helps the digestive system to work more quickly and effectively. All that old waste matter that is clogging your colon will be pushed right through.


The indigenous cultures have been using Bentonite clay's healing and detox properties since before recorded history. It has been scientifically proven to absorb toxic substances inside the intestine. The recommended dosage is to mix one teaspoon with eight ounces of water. You can also pour 2-3 ounces into your bath water to absorb toxins from the outside.

To get the most from your colon cleanse, combine it with a course of colonic irrigation. This will get you the best results - those who have been doing colonics for years swear by its effect on your complexion, vitality and overall wellbeing.

The pH Cleanse

The pH Cleanse

pH and the Candida diet

Your pH level is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of your body. Although you might not realize it, pH can cause toxins to build up in your body and is actually a major contributing factor to poor health.

Many people with health problems are too acidic, making their vulnerable bodies an ideal environment for viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites to flourish and replicate. They put a great deal of strain of the body and are responsible for reactions like inflammation, irritation and fatigue. Excess acid in the body also puts a lot of stress on your organs, especially the liver, and can even weaken your bones.

pH level and your health

The pH scale measures from 1 to 14. A pH level from 1-7 is considered acidic and from 7-14 is considered alkaline. The pH in your stomach is naturally more acidic, to break down and digest food. However, the pH level we normally measure is the pH of your body tissues and fluids. Here, 7.3 to 7.4 is the optimal pH level.

A Western diet typically makes us too acidic, which becomes a real burden for our bodies. Your body will try to rebalance itself back to an alkaline state, and by doing so it wreaks all sorts of havoc on the body. If neutralizing minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium are unavailable, the body will take these minerals from bones or tissues, which can cause a host of problems. For example, if your body needs calcium it might take it from your teeth and bones, putting you at risk for osteoporosis.

An acidic environment is also a fertile breeding ground for many harmful microorganisms. These micro forms don't generally cause problems in the body themselves, but their wastes and toxins do.Candida Albicans is one example. This is an opportunistic yeast that causes a wide variety of problems, including chronic yeast infections, weight gain, fatigue and digestive distress.

Fortunately, by simply switching what you eat and drink you can easily adjust your pH levels. A few dietary changes will raise the pH levels of the body and can drastically improve your energy levels. It will help any unresolved health problems such as fatigue, depression, inflammation, digestion issues, or the inability to shake off those last extra pounds.

Is this a widespread problem?

The average American diet contains 80 percent acid-forming foods and 20 percent alkaline-forming foods, with an overall pH level of between 5.0 and 6.5. This is far too acidic and creates a great environment for disease.

To maintain a healthy pH level we should be reversing those proportions, i.e. eating 80 percent alkaline-forming foods and 20 percent acid-forming foods.

Which foods should I eat to rebalance my pH level?

Cutting out coffee, alcohol, sugar and white flour products will naturally bring up your pH level, and help to cleanse your body of excess acid.

There is another group of acid-forming food that you should be a little careful with - animal products like eggs, fish, chicken, red meat etc. You can eat them in small portions, but try to balance them with lots of vegetables to prevent your pH from getting too acidic.

Regulating your meat intake is a good healthy eating habit anyway, as diets containing high amounts of meat have been linked to higher cancer and cardiovascular mortality rates. That doesn't mean that you should cut out meat products completely - they're just more healthy in small portions.

You will feel much more revitalized if you increase the amount of raw salads, leafy greens, and lightly steamed vegetables in your diet. They contain powerful antioxidants and improve energy levels by increasing the amount of oxygen in your body. They're also loaded with detoxifying properties and rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants, all important stuff for keeping your immune system strong.

Another tip for increasing oxygen and raising your pH levels is to do some deep breathing. Practice breathing deep down into your belly as often as you can, whenever you have a quiet moment in the office or at home. Cardiovascular exercise or even a brisk walk also encourages deeper breathing.

How do I test my pH level?

You can test your pH level with a pH test kit, available at your nearest health food store or

Which foods are Acid-forming and Alkaline-forming?

Alkaline-forming foods

These are the foods that will promote a more alkaline pH level in your body.

These are the foods that will promote a more alkaline pH level in your body, slowing down or preventing a Candida overgrowth.

Veggies A-K Veggies L-Z Fruits Grains & Legumes Nuts & Seeds Herbs, Spices, Oils
AlfalfaLettuceAvocadoChestnutsAlmondsAll Herbs
AsparagusLeeksBanana, unripeMilletSesame seedsChili Pepper
Barley GrassMushroomsCoconut, freshBuckwheatSunflower seedsCinnamon
Beet GreensMustard GreensLemonTempehFennel seedsCurry
BeetsOnionsLimeTofu Caraway seedsGinger
BroccoliParsnips Umeboshi PlumsLima BeansCumin seedsMustard
Soya Beans
Sea Salt
Olive Oil

Borage Oil

Linseed (flaxseed oil)
Chard GreensRutabaga

Evening Primrose Oil
ChlorellaSea Veggies

Collard GreensSpinach, green



DulceSweet Potatoes

Edible FlowersTurnip



Green BeansWheat Grass

Green PeasWild Greens




Acid-forming Foods

These are the foods that will promote a more acidic pH level in your body, which can create a breeding ground for Candida. Scroll down for the second part of the table.

Fruits Grains & Legumes Nuts & Seeds Animal Protein Vegetables
AppleAmaranthCashewsAll animal productsCorn
Banana BerriesHemp Seed FlourMacadamiaDairy
CantaloupeOats and Oatmeal PecansPoultry
Dates, driedRyeWalnutGame
Figs, driedSpelt

GrapesWheat and flour

GrapefruitBlack Beans

Honeydew MelonChick Peas

NectarineKidney Beans

OrangePinto Beans

PeachRed Beans

PearRice Milk

PineappleWhite Beans






Tropical Fruits


Fats & Oils Condiments Beverages Sweets
Avocado OilKetchupBeerArtificial Sweeteners
ButterMayonnaiseWine Barley Malt Syrup
Canola OilMustardLiquorsBrown Rice Syrup
Corn OilSoy SauceCoffeeChocolate
Hemp Seed OilVinegarTea (black)Fructose
Safflower Oil

Sesame Oil

Malt Sweetener
Sunflower Oil


White Sugar

Skin Cleansing Detox

Skin Cleansing

Skin cleansing

First of all, an explanation why skin cleansing is on our site. Your skin is an organ, just like your liver or kidney, that is actually responsible for 10% of your body's toxin removal! That's right, you may not realize it, but your skin is an important exit route for all the pesticides, chemicals and drugs that are stored in your system.

An improperly functioning colon can give you symptoms such as gas or bloating. Likewise, if your skin is unable to eliminate these toxins then you also get symptoms, but in this case they come in the shape of acne or other skin conditions. So a good skin cleanse should be a part of any detox treatment or colon cleanse.

Skin Cleansing Techniques

A good skin cleanse will improve your complexion and restore a vital organ in your body to health. There are 4 main ways to achieve this - Skin Brushing, Sauna, Contrast Showers and Diet.

Skin brushing

Skin Brushing
This is a technique, used in many Asian spas, to eliminate toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system. The idea is that firm but gentle brush strokes across the skin will improve your blood circulation, clean out clogged pores and enable your body to remove toxins faster.

First you need to buy a brush from your local health food store. It should have natural bristles and a long handle. Secondly, make sure your skin is dry. Many people do a skin brushing in the morning just before their shower, so that the dead cells are immediately washed away.

Start the skin brushing with the soles of your feet, using slow, gentle, circular movements. Move up your body, all the time brushing towards your chest, but be careful to avoid areas where your skin is particularly sensitive.

Sauna for detox

If you've ever been to Sweden then you know that some cultures regularly use saunas to detoxify, cleanse and lose weight. If you don't have your own sauna, then going to your local gym is a great way to find one. Saunas actually work better after exercise, because when you sweat your pores open up.

A good sauna will increase blood circulation and dislodge chemicals that are stuck to your fat cells. Make sure that the sauna has not been treated with toxic chemicals.

Be careful to drink lots of water and ensure that your mineral levels are high enough - there are plenty of new 'vitamin water' drinks that are perfect for this.

Stay in the sauna from 15-45 minutes, and make sure that the sauna is not too hot. If you find yourself sweating heavily after only 15 minutes, then you should turn the temperature down.

You can't do an effective skin cleanse without changes to your diet. The most important advice is to drink more water. You should be drinking at least 8-12 glasses of water a day to flush out the toxins from your body.

As for food, make sure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals that you need. Using some of the recipes from our juice cleansing page will help, and vitamin supplements are also a good idea.

Contrast Showers
A great way to improve your blood circulation and immune system is with contrast showers.

Contrast showers

Improved circulation brings nutrients to damaged skin cells and carries away waste products, while contrast showers can also increase the number of your white blood cells and boost your immune system.

Start with 3 minutes of hot water, followed by less than a minute of cold water. Repeat this cycle at least once. A good time to do a contrast shower is straight after the gym, perhaps before or after using the sauna.

Skin Products

Without even realizing it, we pollute our body with toxic beauty products. Creams and potions are absorbed into our skin and scalp, but some of these harmful chemicals in our beauty regimes could also be causing skin problems such as acne, eczema and rashes. Switch to reputable natural organic products such as to natural soaps, skin creams, shampoos, conditioners and detergents.