How to Detox the Body?
How to Detox the Mind and Spirit?
Somebody last year brought me an newspaper article which stated that the average person living in London, England is exposed to 500 different toxins EVERY DAY - toxins from the air, toxins from the food, toxins from the water, toxins from TV and Cell phones. You can not get away from it. Therefore you need to detoxify.
The body is an incredible instrument, it can handle and adjust to most situations. But if the body gets overloaded with toxins then it gets stressed and we get sick. To help the body to restore perfect health we have to detox. We have to have detoxification of the entire gastro intestinal track and all the organs. You also need to purify and detox the mind and the spirit.
At Moinhos Velhos we offer a complete detoxification program - juice fasting with various herbs and powders, holistic therapies, colon cleansing, yoga and meditation, sauna hot tub and nature walks. To effectively cleanse and detox the colon we have the Clysmatic, a gravity colonics for purification and detoxification of the large intestine. The selected herbs will cleanse the entire gastrointestinal system. Our sauna is on every second day to effect cleansing and Detox through the skin, our largest organ.
Our drinking water is purified by reverse osmosis and this clean water is also used for colonic cleansing and detoxification. A swim in our SALT WATER POOL (no chlorine) is always a pleasure, and helps in the detox process by eliminating toxins from the skin - no toxic substances in this water.
For the Mind and the Spirit we have flower essences, yoga and meditation.
During the detox program, the herbs, powders and pills facilitate the removal of toxic deposits from the body. When we eliminate these old poisons from our system, negative emotions can also be released. Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Kriyas and Meditation can help this process as they are powerful tools to bring harmony and balance on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Yoga and fasting go hand in hand. Fasting is an important aspect for the spiritual aspirant, and Yoga is very beneficial for one who is seeking purification through fasting. One without the other will leave a void causing an imbalance on one level or the other.
Here at Moinhos Velhos we find that the clients who regularly participate in Yoga and Meditation during the fasting detoxification and purification programs are the ones who benefit the most, often achieving a new level of physical, mental and spiritual awareness. For these people the fasting program is a joy as toxins on all levels are eliminated.
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